[November 2015 – Singles] Yoon Kyun Sang – Thirst – Interview

Singles - Yoon Kyun Sang

Sorry, but I must be honest with you. I never imagined you would do so well in front of a camera.

Doing photo shoots was awkward for me at first, but the more photo shoots I did, the more fun it became. I like wearing nice clothes. Should I wear makeup like this wherever I go? Can I have the sexy image of today’s concept? In the photo shoots I did in the past, I did a “teenage boy” concept a few times. The thing I said every time was “I will be 30 next year, so acting like a boy is embarrassing”. Today was nice because there was this naughty vibe, this sexy and dreamlike vibe.

The drama “Six Flying Dragons” is the talk of the town these days. It’s produced by the producers of “Deep-Rooted Tree”. The story is about the founding of Joseon. When did you take the audition?

I got contacted by the writer after “Pinocchio” ended. My character Ki Jae Myung in “Pinocchio” has a heavy and upright personality. The writer told me that I gave off this feeling of a strict and upright boy and it would really go well with the image of adult Moo Hyul. When I had a meeting with the writer and the director, we talked and they wanted to see an innocent Moo Hyul, the child Moo Hyul who experienced complications in life and that’s how I read it.

It’s already your third drama this year. You must be happy to keep working like that.

I don’t know if I should say this because the reactions were good, but I didn’t particularly worry about if the drama would do well or not. When I went on the set, I just had fun and became friends with the staff. I also made efforts to be closer with the other actors. Everybody was nice, I had fun on the set. I’m thankful because the staff took good care of me and that’s why I always had the feeling that I was on my way to have fun when I went to the set.

There have been many articles lately that call you “the actor who served on active duty”. Even without knowing it, the number of actors your age who are jealous of you is probably not small. When did you go to the army?

When I was 20, I did some modelling for about a year and a half and I went to the army. When I was 20, I really wanted to be a theater actor, but my family was against it. People living in the countryside know very well that the life of a theater actor is made of struggle and poverty. My father didn’t even go to the army, but he just told me “what acting you’re talking about?” and I went to the army the month after (smiles). After I got discharged from the army, I went to college and my major was acting on the suggestion of my father.

What do you do when you resting?

I mostly play with my two puppies. I wanted to go on a trip, but I didn’t go because I didn’t have time this time. After this drama is finished, I want to go on a trip overseas with a few friends in March next year.

The drama should probably ends well before you go on this happy trip.

Indeed. I did 4 projects this year. I did “Pinocchio”, “The Time We Were Not In Love” and I’m in “Six Flying Dragons” right now. The movie “The Cry of Passions” will premiere soon. It was really a happy year. I was really happy in my work, it was my first time feeling the love of the public. I will work harder and do better. I hope people will let me know when I’m lacking and will compliment me and say “good job” when I do well.

Translation: @thesunnytown – thesunnytown.wordpress.com

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