Kim Jae Woong about his coming out + Kim Jho Kwang Soo’s support

Fashion designer Kim Jae Woong made his coming out during the “Share House” episode broadcast on May 7th. Well, people are currently debating if it was a coming out or an outing… I didn’t get to see the episode, so I don’t know about the editing and how the whole thing happened. Was it completely…

Behind the scenes of Kim Jho Kwang Soo’s wedding

This post is just about the updates on the Facebook page that takes you behind the  scenes of the “One Fine Day, the righteous wedding”. I assume other sites will talk about it, so I’ll just post a summary of what happened.

Who is invited to Kim Jho Kwang Soo’s wedding?

note : I believe that anyone interested in Korea can at least speak (understand) English… if you can’t speak Korean, that is. I didn’t see this news being covered by many sites, so I just thought I would do it here. My English is far from being perfect, however, if you really don’t speak English…